Friday, September 11, 2009

Shopping for salvia divinorum

What to look for when buying Salvia Extracts

One thing I personally look for when I buy Salvia Divinorum, is the container, I'm not sure how many varieties of packaging different brands have.The one I like comes inside a little brown vial.

I didn't know it was my salvia when I first saw it, if it weren't by the light green label, maybe I'd have done it. I know it's not usual but I liked that kind of package, I've seen other brands, and they were just inside a plastic bag, all smashed by storage or shipping.

I like that little bottle because the product preserves the flavor and odor, it's also protected from UV rays and it withstands much better a bad shipping handling.

All this tells me that it's been made thinking on us, the customers.

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